AYX SPORTS:科技头条:最新功能,手机通讯录推荐

AYX SPORTS:科技头条:最新功能,手机通讯录推荐

时间:2024-09-21 09:17:02 作者:AYX SPORTS 阅读:

本文摘要:Your friends and contacts change jobs, phone numbers, email addresses, and residences all the time. But keeping your digital address book or contact list current with all these changes is tedious at best and often impossible. So, the contacts on most smartphones and computers are usually out of date and incomplete.你的朋友和联系人总在替换工作、电话号码、邮箱地址和住址。

Your friends and contacts change jobs, phone numbers, email addresses, and residences all the time. But keeping your digital address book or contact list current with all these changes is tedious at best and often impossible. So, the contacts on most smartphones and computers are usually out of date and incomplete.你的朋友和联系人总在替换工作、电话号码、邮箱地址和住址。要使你的电子通讯录或联系人列表跟上所有这些变动是项繁琐无趣的工作,而且一般来说是无法构建的。

因此,大多数人的智能手机和电脑上的联系人信息都是过时且不原始的。Now, a tiny Silicon Valley startup called Addappt is trying to end all that by making your address book self-updating. The company is offering a free service and contacts app of the same name for the iPhone that matches people in each others address books, and then automatically updates their information when changes occur.现在,硅谷一家取名为Addappt的小公司正在尝试让你的通讯录需要自动更新,从而完结上述苦恼。这家公司获取一项免费服务以及与公司同名的iPhone通讯录应用程序,该应用于可以将其登记用户与你通讯录上的人展开给定,关联上之后,一旦他们的信息变动,你的通讯录就不会自动更新。

For instance, in my tests of Addappt, one of my colleagues who was helping me try it out updated her home address on her own phone, and the new address appeared within minutes on her contact card in my phones address book. In turn, I added an additional phone number to my address record on my phone, and it showed up in her information for me almost immediately. No manual changes were needed on either end.比如,在我测试Addappt时,一个老大我展开测试的同事在她自己的手机上改版了她的家庭住址,短短几分钟内,我手机通讯录里她的名片页就表明出有了该新的住址。反过来,我在我的手机上往自己的联系信息中加了一个额外的电话号码,而这完全立刻就经常出现在了她的手机上。两端都不必须展开任何手动操作者。

Addappt users control their own information. Only the person who is the subject of a contact card can make changes that will be synchronized through Addappt. It isnt a social network, and it has no ties to Facebook or Twitter. Addappt says it stores only your own record, not your whole address book, on its servers. The idea is to focus on the address book, and make it better, not clutter it up.用户自己的信息由用户负责管理。每张名片不能被它的所有人变更,而这些变更将通过Addappt被实时。它不是一个社交网络,而且与Facebook或Twitter没关联。Addappt公司说道,他们在服务器上只留存你本人的记录,而不是你的整个通讯录。

这个设想是专心于通讯录,使它显得更加完备,而不是把它做简单。After testing Addappt, I can say it does what it promises. I tried it successfully with several people. I was able to use Addappt itself as my address book, or to stick with my phones familiar contacts app, because Addappt instantly shares any changes with the built-in iPhone app, and vice versa. In fact, if you use Apples iCloud to synchronize your own address books, changes made automatically by Addappt can be propagated to all iCloud-connected devices, including iPads and Macs.在测试Addappt之后,我可以说道它做了它所允诺的。我与好几个人展开的测试都顺利了。


However, this is a new product from a company with few resources, so it is just starting out. That means it has some limitations and flaws that keep it, at least for now, from being a universal, living address book.不过,Addappt是由一家没有多少资源的公司研发的新产品,所以它意味着正处于跟上阶段。这意味著它不存在一定的局限性和一些瑕疵,这使得它最少在目前很难沦为一款广泛限于的、动态的通讯录。One limitation is that because Addappt is an iPhone-only app, you cant get self-updating information for those people in your address book who dont use iPhones. The company says it hopes to add an Android version by the middle of 2013, and has longer-range plans for other platforms.局限之一:因为Addappt是一款仅有反对iPhone的应用于,你无法自动取得你通讯录中那些不用于iPhone的人对通讯信息展开的改版。该公司说道它期望在2013年年中研发出有安卓版本,并且有研发相容其他平台的版本的长年计划。

Another is that, to gain the benefits of Addappt, you have to convince even your iPhone-using contacts to download and use it. But the company makes this somewhat difficult. Every new user must apply for an invitation code to activate the app. The company says this process is needed to authenticate people, and to guard against a surge of new users, which might swamp its servers.另一局限是,要想要充份享用Addappt带给的便捷,对于你那些用于iPhone的联系人,你也得劝说他们iTunes并用于这款应用于。但是这家公司把这一过程弄得有些困难──每一位新的用户必需再行申请人到一个邀请码以转录这款应用于。该公司称之为这一过程对于用户的身份验证来说是必须的,另外也可避免大量用户的涌进造成服务器中断。

And the app has some flaws. It cant make a match between two Addappt users, even if theyre in each others iPhone contact lists, unless their current contact cards have the email address each used to join Addappt (it must be the top email on the contact card) or your name and the top phone number listed. Also, I found the Alphabetical index down the side of the Addappt app, meant to save you from scrolling through long lists, worked poorly.而且这款应用程序有一些瑕疵。它对两个Addappt用户展开给定必需符合以下条件:他们现在的联系人卡片中有他们各自用作登记Addappt账号的邮件地址(而且该地址必需是其联系人卡片中的选用邮件地址)或者你的名字以及选用电话号码在列,除此之外,即使这两个Addappt用户都在对方的iPhone联系人列表中也无法自动给定。并且,我找到这款应用于的字母索引在底部,这项功能的想法是让你不用滑动长长的列表展开查询,但只不过它很很差用。In addition, the Addappt app lacks a Favorites or Recents list. Finally, while the company swears it will never share or sell or rent any contact information, it has yet to post a formal privacy policy.另外,Addappt没常用联系人和最近联系人列表。

最后一点,虽然这家公司誓言说道它总有一天会共享、出售或者出租任何联系人信息,但它仍未发布月的隐私维护政策。In many other respects, however, the app is nicely designed and easy to use. Once it is up and running, it scans your address book to see if it can match any of your contacts to other Addappt users. If it can, it automatically connects you with them. As people in your address book join and use Addappt, they also get connected.无论如何,在其他许多方面,这款应用程序都设计得有趣,并且使用方便。


当你的手机联系人中有人登记并开始用于Addappt,它某种程度能将他们与你关联。Addappt users who arent in each others address books can ask for permission to connect. The app includes a list of connected users, and pending connections, as well as your entire address book. In the main list, connected users are designated by small icons showing two links of a chain.对于没在通讯录上记录彼此联系方式的Addappt用户,可以通过发送到催促来建立联系。这款应用程序包括一个已建立联系的联系人列表,一个等候证书的联系人列表以及你的原始通讯录。在主列表中,已建立联系的用户被形状为带上两个链环的一根链条的小图标标明出来。

Addappts address book itself is attractive and easy to use. As you scroll through it, the contact at the top of the screen expands to show more information -- such as the city and state -- and even the local time (so you dont wake people up in the middle of the night). Icons appear that allow you immediately to make a voice call, or to send an email or text, without opening the contact entry.Addappt的通讯录本身很有吸引力并且易懂。当你滑动它时,坐落于屏幕顶端的联系人条目不会进行,以表明更加多信息──诸如其所在的州和城市──甚至当地时间(因而你会在对方的深夜时间将其吵醒)。

进行的条目上还不会经常出现一些图标,让你可以立刻电话语音电话,或者发送到邮件或消息,而不须要关上该联系人条目。What information for a person in your contact book will change once you are connected to him or her on Addappt? It depends. For some things, like name or photo or job title, the other persons choices will obliterate yours.一旦你在Addappt上与某人建立联系,你通讯录中与该联系人对应的哪些信息不会被变更?这得看情况。

对于有些东西,诸如名字、照片和职位,对方获取的信息将不会冲掉你原本的记录。For others, like phone numbers, which can have multiple entries, information youve entered for the person will be preserved, and the contacts own new information will be added.对于其他可以同时留存多条记录的信息,诸如电话号码,你早已为联系人载入的信息将被保有,而该联系人自己的新信息将不会被加到进去。Contacts pictures in Addappt are supplied by the person whose contact it is, and are displayed in a large size on the contact card.Addappt中联系人的照片由联系人本人获取,并且在联系人卡片上以大尺寸表明。The product has no advertising. The company hopes to make money eventually by selling premium versions with additional features.这款产品没放入广告。

该公司期望最后能通过销售带上可选功能的高级版本赚钱。Addappt is a promising product that could solve a real problem. But it cant reach its full potential until it runs on all platforms.Addappt是一款很有前途的产品,它有可能能老大人们解决问题一个很实际的问题。但在能相容所有平台前,它还无法充分发挥其潜力。

本文关键词:AYX SPORTS,ayx·爱游戏,ayx·爱游戏(中国)体育官方网站-AYX SPORTS

本文来源:AYX SPORTS-www.xingzd.net


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