‘ayx·爱游戏(中国)体育官方网站-AYX SPORTS’谷歌宣布在中国成立人工智能研究中心

‘ayx·爱游戏(中国)体育官方网站-AYX SPORTS’谷歌宣布在中国成立人工智能研究中心

时间:2024-09-24 09:17:02 作者:AYX SPORTS 阅读:

本文摘要:HONG KONG — Google pulled some of its core businesses out of China seven years ago, after concluding that government controls and surveillance ran counter to its commitment to a free and open internet.香港——七年前,谷歌(Google)得出结论指出,中国政府的掌控和监控与公司致力于权利对外开放的互联网的允诺背道而驰。

HONG KONG — Google pulled some of its core businesses out of China seven years ago, after concluding that government controls and surveillance ran counter to its commitment to a free and open internet.香港——七年前,谷歌(Google)得出结论指出,中国政府的掌控和监控与公司致力于权利对外开放的互联网的允诺背道而驰。之后,公司将一些核心业务撤离了中国。Since then, as China’s online scene has grown and prospered, the American search giant has been looking for ways to tiptoe back in.从那以后,随着中国网上景象的发展兴旺,这家美国搜寻巨头仍然在找寻悄悄返回中国的方法。On Wednesday, it unveiled a small but symbolically significant move toward that end: a China-based center devoted to artificial intelligence. The move nods to the country’s growing strength in A.I., thanks to substantial government funding prompted by Beijing’s ambition of having a say in the technologies of the future.周三,谷歌发布了一个规模并不大但具备象征意义的、朝着上述目标迈进的一步:公司将正式成立一个致力于人工智能(全称AI)的中国中心。


Google said the center would have a team of experts in Beijing, where the company has hundreds of employees in research and development, as well as other roles. The center will be led by Fei-Fei Li, who runs Stanford University’s Artificial Intelligence Lab and leads the artificial intelligence arm of Google’s Cloud business, and Jia Li, the head of research and development for the A.I. division of Google Cloud.谷歌回应,该中心将在北京享有一个专家团队,谷歌已在北京有数百名专门从事研发和其他工作的员工。谷歌AI中国中心将由李飞飞和李佳领导。李飞飞是斯坦福大学人工智能实验室的负责人,领导着谷歌云业务的人工智能部门;李佳是谷歌云业务的人工智能部门研发主管。

The Silicon Valley company, which announced the center’s opening at a software developer conference in Shanghai, cited China’s growing academic and technical contributions to the A.I. field, and said the new center would be “working closely with the vibrant Chinese A.I. research community.”在上海举办的一个软件开发者大会上,这家硅谷公司宣告了正式成立该中心的要求。谷歌在宣告中提及,中国在人工智能领域的学术和技术方面的贡献大大减少,并回应新的中心将“与中国活跃的人工智能研究界密切合作”。

“The science of A.I. has no borders,” Fei-Fei Li said in a post on Google’s website, and “neither do its benefits.”“人工智能科学没国界,”李飞飞在谷歌网站上的一篇文章中写到,“其带给的益处也没国界。”Google did not disclose financial details.谷歌没透露有关的财务细节。The company is only the latest big technology name to set up an A.I. shop in China to capitalize on growing skills and lavish state support. Microsoft, IBM and other Western and domestic stalwarts are busy hiring Chinese staff members in a field with a wide variety of potential applications.许多大型技术公司都在中国正式成立人工智能中心,期望需要对中国在这个领域大大快速增长的技能和政府的仁慈反对加以利用, 谷歌只不过是其中最近的一个。

微软公司(Microsoft)、IBM及其他西方和国内的致力于AI的企业正忙着在这个有各种潜在应用于的领域雇佣中国员工。China’s A.I. push is part of a government-driven effort to upgrade the country’s technological abilities and to wean itself off foreign-made software and advanced equipment. The push has prompted worries among Western corporate executives, and increasingly the Trump administration, which complain that Beijing unfairly nurtures their potential rivals.中国推展人工智能项目是政府联合的希望的一部分。中国政府正在希望提高国内的技术能力,让中国不不受外国生产的软件和先进设备的制约。

这种希望在西方企业高管中,并且更加多地在特朗普政府中引发忧虑;西方企业责怪称之为,北京扶持其潜在竞争对手的作法不公平。The new Google A.I. center could deepen the company’s fraught but complicated relationship with China, now home to the world’s biggest population of online users.新的谷歌人工智能中心可能会加剧该公司与中国之间情绪而简单的关系,中国目前有世界上仅次于的在线用户群体。

Google closed its search business in China in 2010, saying it would no longer tolerate Beijing’s censorship requirements and government-linked efforts to hack the Gmail accounts of human rights activists and others. Google’s services were subsequently blocked in the country, and China’s internet developed its own answers to the company’s products, from email and search to video-sharing and chat.2010年,谷歌在重开了其在中国的搜寻业务。公司当时回应,对于北京的审查拒绝,以及入侵人权活动人士和其他人的Gmail账户的有政府背景的希望,该公司会再行忽视。谷歌的服务随后在中国被屏蔽,而中国在互联网上发展出有了自己一系列服务,从电子邮件和搜寻、到视频共享和聊天等,替代谷歌的产品。

Still, Google never left China entirely. It has an active business distributing online ads for desktop computers and mobile applications, and Chinese makers of smartphones use its Android mobile device software.尽管如此,谷歌未曾完全离开了中国。谷歌在中国有一个活跃的在线广告业务,在桌面末端和移动末端应用于平台上分销广告;中国的智能手机制造商也用于谷歌的Android移动设备操作系统。The two sides have shown signs of warming. Last week, Sundar Pichai, Google’s chief executive, spoke at China’s annual internet conference in the city of Wuzhen, saying the company did robust business helping Chinese firms seeking customers abroad. And this year, Google began offering its translation software in China.双方都已表明出有恶化的迹象。上周,谷歌首席执行官桑达尔·皮查伊(Sundar Pichai)在乌镇举办的年度中国互联网大会上讲话时说,在协助中国企业找寻海外客户方面,谷歌的业务很强大。

今年,谷歌开始在中国发售其翻译成软件。“We have 600-plus employees in China and we had a similar number in 2010,” said Taj Meadows, a Google spokesman. “Roughly half of them are engineers working on global products. Work on A.I. will be in a similar vein.”“我们在中国有600多名员工,和我们在2010年的人数相似,”谷歌发言人泰姬·梅多斯(Taj Meadows)说道。


”Tech figures inside and outside the country are watching whether Google opens a mobile app store there, but there has been little indication of progress on that front.国内外技术界的人士都在注目谷歌否不会在中国开办移动应用于店,但在这方面完全没经常出现进展的迹象。

本文关键词:AYX SPORTS,ayx·爱游戏,ayx·爱游戏(中国)体育官方网站-AYX SPORTS

本文来源:AYX SPORTS-www.xingzd.net



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