路痴救星 首款智能导航鞋六月上市|ayx·爱游戏(中国)体育官方网站-AYX SPORTS

路痴救星 首款智能导航鞋六月上市|ayx·爱游戏(中国)体育官方网站-AYX SPORTS

时间:2024-09-30 09:17:02 作者:AYX SPORTS 阅读:

本文摘要:The days of squinting at a map or the screen of your smartphone when you’re lost will soon be over – thanks to new shoes that tell you which way to turn.手玉女地图或拿着手机去找路的时代立刻就要完结啦!这要得益于智能导航系统鞋的问世。

The days of squinting at a map or the screen of your smartphone when you’re lost will soon be over – thanks to new shoes that tell you which way to turn.手玉女地图或拿着手机去找路的时代立刻就要完结啦!这要得益于智能导航系统鞋的问世。The shoes use a Bluetooth link to communicate with your mobile’s mapping system.导航系统鞋利用蓝牙链接手机中的地图导航系统。The mobile works out which route you should be following and the shoes then emit a discreet vibration in either foot telling you when and where to change direction.手机负责管理导航系统,而必须转变行驶方向时,鞋子就不会严重振动以收到警告。The shoes will also count the number of steps you’ve taken and the calories you’ve burned – and they’ll even buzz to warn you you’ve left your phone behind, or to alert you when you’re travelling past an interesting landmark.导航系统鞋还可以计算出来你行驶的步数以及消耗的卡路里。

如果你记得带上手机了,或者走到了某个旅游名胜,导航系统鞋就不会发出声音警告你。They are as easy to use as a tap on the shoulder,’ said Krispian Lawrence, 30, who developed the shoes with partner Anirudh Sharma, 28, in Hyderabad, India.这项技术的开发者是两个印度青年,39岁的克里斯潘-劳伦斯和28岁的阿尼路德-夏尔马。劳伦斯说道:“这双鞋用一起很非常简单,就像有人拍肩膀警告你一样。”‘You can even communicate with them using hand gestures and finger snaps because the shoes have sensors that can pick up movement and sound.“你甚至可以用手势或响指对它收到指令,因为鞋子里有动作和声音传感器。

The Lechal shoes go on sale worldwide in June but Lawrence and Sharma’s company, Ducere Technologies, has already taken more than 3,000 pre-orders.导航系统鞋将在今年6月全球上市,而劳伦斯和夏尔马的公司目前收到的预订单总量早已多达了3000双。Lawrence believes the shoes will also improve road safety. ‘If I’m on my bike or motorbike, I don’t want to stare at my phone – it’s dangerous,’ he says.‘I’d rather be guided by my footwear.’劳伦斯指出,这种鞋还可以提升道路安全性。他说道“如果我于是以骑着自行车或摩托车,就会去看手机,那不会很危险性。我宁愿让鞋子来导航系统。

”He believes his innovation will prove invaluable for the visually impaired and has pledged that every mainstream pair sold by Ducere will subsidise a cheaper pair for a visually impaired person.他深信,这一发明者将大大协助视力有受损的人,并允诺给他们获取优惠。Footnav technology does not impress explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes, however.‘What’s wrong with a good old-fashioned map?’ said the 70-year-old when told of the shoes.但也有人对“鞋子导航系统技术”不以为然。英国探险家,70岁的雷诺夫法因斯就说:“传统地图有什么很差?”‘If you rely too heavily on technology you’re heading for trouble. Too many people have forgotten the basics: how to read a map and a compass.’“如果过分倚赖科技,反而不会带给困难。


本文关键词:AYX SPORTS,ayx·爱游戏,ayx·爱游戏(中国)体育官方网站-AYX SPORTS

本文来源:AYX SPORTS-www.xingzd.net



